IN The Dark

Episode 1
The tap on my door woke me up,as soon as i opened my eyes,I noticed that the sun was shinning brightly already,time checked 9:00am . I heard My mom’s voice from my door step saying ‘Nancy wakeup,open up baby,its your day!’. What the heck is she talking about? My day Am I getting married or something??. I was thinking semi-awake,then she shouted from my door step again “its your birthday baby!! Your birthday!!! now open up”. My eyes widened immediately as if it would come out of its socket, OMG ‘its my birthday!!’ I hurriedly threw the duvet away from myself,rushed to the door and unlocked.
There she was,full of smile,with two househelp,one carrying a shopping bag and the other a beautiful cake decorated with pink and blue colour. The cake has a teddy bear shape with “sweet sixteen” boldly written on it. This woman knew how to take my breath away,she was my world,the one and only MRS.Williams. With all smile,i bent down to greet my mom,she carried me up half way and engulved me in a tight embrace. Saying prayers and wishing me a happy birthday in the middle of the mother/
daughter embrace. I kept on saying ‘amen’ till she released me and looked into my eyes and say ” how i wish he is here today” by that i already knew she was refering to my dad, she continued ” he was always making plans for your sixteenth birthday”. She was already in tears, i hugged her as tight as i could and made her know that he is in a better place and she was my world and my everything. Even though i was trying to be strong i could not help but remember the sweet memories of my dad,who would’nt remember a lovly father?.
My dad, “Chief Abiodun Williams”. He was a yoruba man while my mom was an Edo woman, he named me ‘Omojadesola’ specially while my mom named me ‘Nancy’, Dad was tall with athletic body structure. He goes on bussiness trip regularly and never fail to get me things whlie coming back. Once in a blue moon we discuss,and it always worth the wait, his favourite statement i could never forget was “only friends can betray you,try to keep your secret safe”.
Dad died in the month of December,few weeks to Xmas,he went for a bussiness trip outside the country and he never came back. His plane crashed,we did not even get to see his lifeless body to say a final good bye. We mourned dad for more than a year, i was sure mom would mourn him till eternity. It was after my father’s death that i got to know that the whole of the Williams wealth belonged to mom,she inherited d wealth from my maternal grand parent who were stinkingly wealthy, due to the fact that her younger brother was unserious. “Dad whereever you are, my last wish would have been for you to die in my hands,no matter how tiny they were. RIP dad.”
(Back to present)
I released myself from my mom’s embrace and cleaned the tears in her eyes. Mom smiled and led me to my bed, and said “sorry for trying to ruin ur day with my emotion, i just cannot believe my baby is sixteen”. I smiled and hugged her, now she released herself and teased me to stop behaving like a baby, according to her, i would get married soon and become a woman. We all laughed at mom’s statement, including the maids.
Mom treated them like her daughter which made them have a good relationship with her.
Tori and Sewa are both secondary school graduates just like i was, but they were way older than me probably because of their late education.
Mom told tori to place the cake on the table and light the candle. I walked to the table and made a wish before blowing off the candle. My yearly wish was what i repeated ” I wish all my wishes will come true” and we all laughed.
I cut a piece from the huge cake,fed my mom with some and ate the reamaining. Oh i love cakes!…………
Mom blessed me and ordered Sewa to bring the shopping bag. She brought out a beautiful beautiful diamond ring with letter N boldly written on it,she wore the ring on my finger and said ” your dad got two gifts for you for your sixt


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